

Okay…I think I’m just making salads wrong. I never really ate them growing up at home and now that I’m an adult I want to like them…but I am having a hard time moving away from a classic iceberg with some veggies and ranch. And honestly…not loving that. 😂 This mama has to eat better and lose some weight. Help me embrace the salad!

    6 answers

    • moni

      Ohh I love making salads! I think the idea is to give them different textures and flavors. 1) Spinach, strawberry, goat cheese, and pine nuts is a favorite plus Balsamic vinegar + olive oil
      2) capresse salad - tomatoes (heirloom works well) and cheese (mozzarella), again add some nuts and a nice vinaigrette.
      3) baby tomatoes, arugula, cucumber, caramelized onions, and feta cheese crumbles make a yummy one as well
      Also @JackieR is a master mind at salads.

      • moniWas also thinking that Costco salads kits are great and I love them for hosting or just when I’m in a rush, maybe you get started with those. Organic Mediterranean Salad, Ceasar salad, or Asian cashew
    • Emalemaline

      I don’t have a ton of salad and dressing recipes, but my husband did request salads for lunch for a while. So I can share my Pinterest board of the little I have.

      • mamajen

        Pick your favorite Veggie(s). Add your favorite protein & cheese Then add seeds, nuts, something for crunch. Almost any salad is great with mayo & sourcream. I like to add ranch or taco seasoning to step it up. Broccoli, peas, bacon & cheddar. Cukes, tomato, chicken & feta (great with flavored olive oil & basalmic vinegar). Corn, bell peppers, cotija, cilantro +on smoked pork is awesome. Cabbage, chestnuts, almonds, chicken. Endless options! Add pasta to make them go farther, spinach hides almost anywhere, hemp seeds hide well too for picky eaters!

        • katiebenson

          if you don’t like salad, I wouldn’t try and force yourself to eat salad 🤷🏻‍♀️ How do you feel about soups? I actually feel like I eat healthier in the wintertime bc I can throw stuff that I like together in the crockpot with minimal effort.

          • jujubee

            I love to use the preshredded cabbage mix that you can buy at the store in the salad section to create vinaigrette based coleslaws. I use 3 Tbls Olive oil and 2 Tbls acid as my base for a vinaigrette. For example, 3 Tbls Olive oil and 2 Tbls lime juice mixed with cilantro, sliced green onion, and salt to taste makes a great Mexican coleslaw to serve with tacos.
            Olive oil, balsamic vinegar, parsley or basil makes a nice salad to go with pasta dishes.


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