Does your child have a tutor?
- Emalemaline—Do you have a specific age range in mind? My kids are all 8 and under so no tutors here unless you include speech therapy.
2 answers
- rachel9802
Mine haven’t so far (my kids are 8, 8, and 5). that having been said we are looking into reading tutors for one of my 8 year olds and would be interested in any tips or tricks for finding a good tutor.
- christyb—My kids haven’t had tutors but I WAS a tutor when I was a junior/senior in high school, for a middle school girl who was probably only 4 years younger than me. I can’t even remember for sure how I got the job but I think it was through the school. Like maybe her mom called the high school and asked if they could recommend a student for her to hire. If she asked for a quiet, bookish, high achieving female student who would help her daughter get through her homework each day, that’s what she got! It was all very unofficial, sort of like babysitting and I probably didn’t get paid much more than a babysitter would have in the 90s lol, but I think we were both pleased with the arrangement. I think I only spent 30 minutes with her most days, maybe 3 or 4 times a week.
- ktisme50
I tutor my kids as needed. I tutored as a student and received tutoring… it makes studying into a connecting experience.
Learning how to explain things in several ways, learning growth mindset and also respecting a person’s neurology/brain-wiring can add so much fulfillment.
Learning how I learn best helped me so much, in my own learning — being able to monopolize on the student’s interests, talents and their learning style can be empowering. I learn best with written language and (stationary) images, and memorize best with movement (kinetic memorization). If I play to my strengths, learning can be a joy instead of a drag. Helping people to crack their own codes is a gift for lifelong learning.