What's your stance on allowances?
What age did you start / plan on starting? How much to begin with? Is it tied to chores?
3 answers
Right now we don’t have an allowance per say, we have certain things the kids need to do everyday that’s just part of being the family team, and there are additional things they can do to earn money. It gives them the chance to be self starters and choose how hard they want to work, and earning that money helps them learn to mange their wants and savings goals. We do match anything they put in their account to save.
- rachel—We are similar! I really like the combo, because it teaches them that there are certain things you just need to do in order to make our family work (e.g. put away your laundry) but also gives them control to earn money. Hopefully someday we get out of the phase where ALL money is spend on stuffies…
My husband is very happy to give our kids minecoins as long as they are cleaning their room and doing their homework and helping me with cleaning when I ask. We started this within the last year my participating children are 8 and 5.
- courtcarp380
Our kids have 3 chores they need to have done before doing any special activities: Bedroom, Make Bed and part of the bathroom. After those chores are done, I will give them the option to earn some money by doing extra chores that I might have otherwise done myself. Based on how quickly and how well those get done, they can earn up to a dollar per chore. My oldests are 7, so they usually earn an average of 1.50 on days that they decide to do more than their required work. 😂 They only have so much steam, but they are still excited over pennies.