Response to: “How do make/find time for friendships while being a busy parent?”It’s not easy. but this has worked for me: First, my daughter’s best friends from school, because I know they will be around for some time and it makes sense to get to know their parents and have a good relationship. Second, the moms at school I really like and feel connected to. I try to answer these simple questions: am i learning something from this person?, am I happy to see and listen to this person?, does this person also makes an effort to show up for me? Finally, everything is about making the time. Choose something you really enjoy and invite people to join, maybe once per month. People is busy, but eventually you’ll tell who reciprocates and who doesn’t.
Response to: “Women with PCOS, how do you manage your symptoms?”I tried a lot of stuff over 4 years, from metphormine to Liraglutide… everything would work for some time but it was not sustainable. This year I started reading more and found this amazing book —easy to read- that has taught me how to care for myself, and to be honest, it’s been 10months and it really works. I’m more energetic, happy, and even lost some weight, controlled my acne, and periods. I even got pregnant without IVF, I attribute this to a healthier lifestyle. I hope this helps you too!\_QbPgKocNcJAifPxe10FaNqNKEw2tiGwt1Pi-Nl7779GAT-1S-o651IhxY1NKLcLaJSb7n2rSUV8egKRqz892VIps4LtKvngTzybi68yuPaRvw.Mvl28znnNNBIskX5SWpFM6ielySXCRqM5h7Xyi7dQS8&dib_tag=se&keywords=aviva+romm+hormone+intelligence&qid=1730301914&sprefix=aviva+romm%2Caps%2C158&sr=8-4