Resources for young teen girl going through puberty?
Looking for stuff that gets into the nitty gritty about the changes a girls body goes through. She’s freaking out about all the strange things her body is doing. I want something very detailed, but I’m afraid to search google.
2 answers
- courtcarp380
Not related to the development of the physical body, rather the mental and emotional changes experenxes and it’s really a resource for you as a parent, but the book entitled Brainstorm by Dr. Seigel is phenomenal and addresses the cognitive development of the age. ❤️
So…I will start this by saying I do not have teenage kiddos yet. Hehe. So I asked some of my closest friends who DO, and here’s what they recommended:\
The Care and Keeping of You 2: The Body Book for Older Girls\\\\
I cannot tell you how many of my friends have recommended this book, and I definitely plan on getting it in a couple years. I actually just bought the first book in the series for my 8 year old.
I’ve also heard great things about the Good and Beautiful Maturation & Sexual Reproduction: